The Lumen Care Method is an energetic approach designed to naturally and sustainably deprogram all forms of sensitivities and intolerances.

Lumen Care Laboratory is a French laboratory specialising in Vibratory Reinformation through "Homeopathic Contact™" which trains and equips therapists.

The Effluences™ are a range of vibratory elixirs that help to restore a sense of well-being. emotional balance by reinforcing positive emotions and pure, brought to very high dilution.

Replay the masterclass explaining the ins and outs of the Lumen Care method and its technological and therapeutic innovations in the natural treatment of physical and emotional sensitivities.z

Replay the masterclass explaining the ins and outs of the Lumen Care method and its technological and therapeutic innovations in the natural treatment of physical and emotional sensitivities.z

The power of positive emotions in the form of a jewel

ARS complexes

These are comprehensive treatments for problems that have already been identified.

They are intended for those who wish to test the effectiveness of the method before undergoing a full test with a practitioner.


For a vibratory balance linked to sugars and glycaemia


For vibrational balance in connection with all forms of juvenile or adult acne of hormonal origin.


To permanently eliminate sensitivities or intolerances to pollens, grasses and hay fever. A French innovation in the field of natural and alternative therapies.  


For a vibratory balance linked to all forms of sensitivity and intolerance to dairy products.


For a vibratory balance linked to all forms of sensitivity and intolerance to gluten and cereals in general. Particular attention is paid to strengthening the intestinal wall, which is all too often porous and irritable in this type of condition.

Blog posts

Training agenda

In French

October to January
February to April
May to September
Module 1
12-13 October 2024
8-9 February 2025
17-18 May 2025
Module 2
23-24 November 2024
22-23 March 2025
28-29 June 2025
Module 3
11-12 January 2025
26-27 April 2025
13-14 September 2025

In Spanish

November to January
February to June
Module 1
2-3 November 2024
22-23 February 2025
Module 2
14-15 December 2024
12-13 April 2025
Module 3
25-26 January 2025
31 May - 1 June 2025
Trade fairs / Conferences
  • No event