A lasting end to

les sensibilités et les intolérances

A an innovative, simple, fast and effective solution to deprogram
all forms of intolerance and sensitivities thanks to the Lumen Care method.


Sensitivities and intolerances are both the most common ailments and the most poorly treated. Outside our latest innovations in energy therapies are completely overturning this state of affairs.

Today, it has never been easier to deprogram quickly and permanently all forms of food, environmental and even emotional sensitivity.

I'll explain it all in the Masterclass scheduled for 16 May 2024.

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Are you concerned?

Would you like to understand how this method works and find out if it can help you deal with your sensitivities or intolerances?

Are you a therapist?

Would you like to improve the way you provide solutions to your customers' sensitivities and intolerances and develop your business?

  • What is the difference between intolerance and sensitivity?

  • What is the energy approach?

  • What can this method offer me, and what makes it unique and innovative?

  • Which allergens can be deprogrammed using this method?

  • Is it really 100 natural % with no side effects?

  • How can I benefit from this therapy?

  • How can I learn about the Lumen Care method?

Conference hosted by

Olivier Coen

researcher in energy therapies, therapist and Creator of
the Lumen care method

On the conference agenda:

point 1

Understanding sensitivities and intolerances

  • Introduction to the concepts of sensitivities and intolerances: Defining what sensitivities and intolerances are, focusing on the emotional, psychological and social aspects.
  • Exploring underlying causes: Identifying the factors that contribute to sensitivities and intolerances, such as past experiences, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.
  • Impact on daily life: Discuss the adverse consequences of sensitivities and intolerances on mental health, interpersonal relationships and general quality of life.
point 2

Principles of the Lumen Care method

  • Foundations of the method: Present the basic principles of the Lumen Care method, which focuses on kindness towards oneself and others, emotional awareness and the development of skills in managing emotions.
  • Emotional regulation techniques: Explain the tools and strategies used in the Lumen Care method to identify, understand and regulate emotions in a healthy and constructive way.
  • Holistic approach: Emphasising the holistic approach of the method, which integrates practices such as meditation, mindfulness and compassion for oneself and others.
point 3

Practical application of the Lumen Care method

  • Self-assessment and awareness: Guide participants through self-assessment exercises to identify their own sensitivities and intolerances, and the associated thought patterns.
  • Developing emotional skills: offering practical techniques for cultivating emotional awareness, resilience and the ability to deal constructively with challenges.
  • Integration into daily life: Providing advice on how to apply the principles of the Lumen Care method in different aspects of daily life, such as personal relationships, work and stress management.
Point 4

Personal transformation and positive impact

  • Exploring the benefits: Discuss the potential benefits of adopting the Lumen Care method, including better mental health, more harmonious relationships and greater life satisfaction.
  • Testimonials and case studies: Share concrete examples of people who have successfully used the Lumen Care method to overcome their sensitivities and intolerances, and the positive transformations they have experienced.
  • Engage in sustainable change: Encourage participants to engage in a process of sustainable change by gradually integrating the principles and practices of the Lumen Care method into their daily lives.

What they say

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