A lasting end to

les intolérances et les allergies

A an innovative, simple, fast and effective solution to deprogram
toutes formes d’intolérances et d’allergies grâce à the Lumen Care method.


les intolérances et les allergies représentent à la fois les affections les plus courantes, mais aussi les plus mal soignées. Or, our latest innovations in energy therapies are completely overturning this state of affairs.

Today, it has never been easier to deprogram quickly and permanently all forms of food, environmental and even emotional sensitivity.

I'll explain it all in the Masterclass scheduled for Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 7.30pm. Paris time.

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Are you concerned?

Vous souhaitez comprendre comment fonctionne cette méthode et savoir si elle peut vous aider face à vos intolérances et allergies ?

Are you a therapist?

Would you like to improve the way you provide solutions to your customers' allergies and intolerances and develop your business?

  • Quelle est la différence entre une intolérance et une allergie ?

  • What is the energy approach?

  • What can this method offer me, and what makes it unique and innovative?

  • Which allergens can be deprogrammed using this method?

  • Is it really 100 natural % with no side effects?

  • How can I benefit from this therapy?

  • How can I learn about the Lumen Care method?

Conference hosted by

Olivier Coen

researcher in energy therapies, therapist and Creator of
the Lumen care method

On the conference agenda:

point 1

Compréhension des intolérances et allergies

  • Une sensibilisation aux notions d’allergies et d’intolérancesby focusing on their energetic and emotional dimensions.

  • Exploring root causes : Examiner les facteurs qui peuvent influencer l’apparition de ces allergies et intolérances, comme les expériences passées.

  • Impact on daily life The impact on personal relationships and overall quality of life.

point 2

Principles of the Lumen Care method

  • Foundations of the method : La méthode Lumen Care repose sur le principe homéopathique de l’isothérapie qui consiste à soulager un problème avec la substance qui en est responsable, portée à très haute dilution. Ce protocole énergétique se présente sous la forme d’une capsule d’eau informée avec les identités vibratoires des substances sensibles.
  • It is a purely informational approach que l’on porte en pendentif à même la peau. Le corps ne fait pas la différence entre une substance réelle ou simulée.
point 3

Practical application of the Lumen Care method

  • This MasterClass will enable participants to discover and understand the fundamental principles of the Lumen-Care method, notamment l’approche holistique et l’utilisation de l’eau informée pour traiter les allergies et intolérances. 

  • Deepening the emotional dimension Raising participants' awareness of the importance of the emotional aspect in the treatment of sensitivities. How emotions can influence physical reactions and how these can be integrated into vibratory re-information capsules to enhance their effectiveness.

Point 4

Personal transformation and positive impact

  • By reprogramming sensitivities, the Lumen-Care method works in depth, helping to maintain a stable state of well-being.. This method actively supports the immune and energy systems, which can lead to better stress management, renewed energy and greater resilience in the face of external aggression.

  • Don't miss this opportunity to see the real impact of Lumen-Care through real-life experiences and convincing results.


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