
Watch the conference on emotional reprogramming through positive reinforcement and how you can use it in your business.

You would like to make an appointment with one of our practitioners of the Lumen Care Method

Do you want to be autonomous and do good around you, or even retrain?

And if you too could
deprogramming all sensitivities?

No ingestion

No age limit

No side effects

No diet or eviction

No contraindications

The stages of the protocol


Report on the problems encountered.

Sensitivity test to identify the allergens concerned. There are several ways of carrying out this test, but most of the time the practitioner uses a kinesiology muscle test.

Made-to-measure capsules.


This energy solution takes the form of a capsule of informed water worn as a pendant on the skin. The homeopathic process
The very high dilutions and the water's memory make the contact solution active. Each capsule must be worn 8 hours a day for 15 days spread over 1 month. Each capsule can be used to deprogram up to 15 families of reagents at a time (i.e. almost 640 specific reagents).


After this period, at a second appointment, the practitioner validates the result and ensures that the sensitivity to the reagents encoded in the capsule has clearly diminished or disappeared altogether.
Once a sensitivity has been deprogrammed, it is definitive and long-lasting.

They talk about the method

How it all began

Olivier Coen

Creator of Lumen Care Laboratory and the "Vibratory Reinformation" method. Researcher, energy therapist and method trainer.

Passionate about energy therapies, he studies and learns about various methods.

After suffering from gluten sensitivity for some ten years, he discovered and trained in a method of energetically eliminating sensitivities.

Convinced of the results, but disappointed by the cumbersome nature of the protocols, he successfully developed his own approach.

Then, in order to spread the Lumen Care method, he set up his own laboratory and trained therapists in the use of his tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any contraindications to this method?
There are no contraindications, no substances are ingested, and the treatment is open to everyone.
Who is this course for?

Anyone who wants to relieve the suffering of millions of people for whom no treatment has had a definitive effect.

What are the results?
To date, according to feedback from therapists using the method, the success rate is just over 60 % of cases treated, which is much higher than other methods.
How many consultations are needed for a full protocol?

In general, two consultations are required, the first of which includes the test, and the second after the one-month protocol to check that the reagents are at zero.

Is the method legal?
Yes to 100 %, as long as you don't claim to be a doctor if you're not, in which case you would be practising medicine illegally and liable to imprisonment.
Should multi-sensitive people have their sensitivities eliminated 1 by 1?

No, you can deprogram up to 15 sensitivities with the same vial, unlike other methods, the protocol is shorter and the cost much more affordable.

Is the product dangerous if the vial breaks?

No, absolutely not, the vial contains highly diluted informed water according to the principle of homeopathy.

Why wear the vial around your neck?
Worn around the neck, the vial is in contact with the sternum, a well-known point of energy exchange.
Can several people be re-informed with the same vial?

In absolute terms, there's nothing to prevent it, but we don't recommend it, as during the protocol there is an energy exchange between the vial and the body of the person concerned, and the effectiveness for the next person could be reduced.

Is the protocol suitable for pregnant women and young children?
Yes, absolutely, there is no contraindication for this as there is no toxicity in the product contained in the vial.
Is the result definitive?
Yes, for practically all cases. For seasonal allergies (pollens, etc.), we recommend repeating the protocol once a year, just before the start of the season.
Is the protocol covered by the Assurance Maladie?

No, and that's a shame, because no energy method is currently covered by the health insurance system, despite the excellent results obtained, unlike reimbursed treatments.

Is the protocol recommended for hypersensitive people?
Yes, and it's even highly recommended: excellent results have been observed with this category of people.
Can animals be re-informed using this method?
Although we have no statistics for this category, some therapists have done so successfully (see their testimonials).
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