Effluences box set
     2 ml Test Sets
10 ml remedy boxes
By the unit
Test vials available individually from the entire catalogue

Create your selection of test vials from the entire Lumen Care catalogue

Emotional Test Set - 58 Effluences Emotions, Flowers and Crystals

57 Effluences test vials + 60u cardboard box
Emotions + Flowers + Crystals


Emotional test box - 35 Emotional Flows

34 Effluences Test Vials + 60u cardboard box
Emotions only


Tester catalogue: 174 testers in 3 boxes

Ensemble des testeurs du catalogue Lumen Care en 3 coffrets :
– 116 Références physiques

  • Food: refs AL-01 to AL-31
  • Environmental: EN-01 to EN-23
  • Organic: refs OR-01 to OR-27 (excluding OR-14)
  • Cellular components: CC-01 to CC-12
  • Pharmaceuticals: refs PH-01 to PH-06
  • Pathogens: refs PA-01 to PA-11
  • Meaning: refs SE-01 to SE-07

– 58 Références émotionnelles – Effluences : émotions + Fleurs + Cristaux

See the full catalogue

Tarot de Marseille test vial set - 29 Effluences

29 Effluences test vials + 30u cardboard box

Dilution E


30-vial storage box

Empty cardboard box

Storage box for 63 vials

Empty cardboard box

Storage box 126 vials

Empty cardboard box


Dowsing "drop" pendulum in solid metal

, 12,00
Le Biodico - Book

Biological decoding dictionary

Title : Le Biodico
Author: Bernard Tihon
Published by : Neosanté Edition


, 33,00
Backflow prevention cone

Allows you to have a clear test free of emotional blocks such as repression or other types of blockage

, 25,00
Basic pendant for 2 ml vials

Pendant with size adjustment slider and attachment joint for 2 ml treatment or test vials



, 3,00
Set of 4 seals with snap hooks for 2 ml vials

Additional 2 ml vials can be attached to a pendant. Ideal for working on yourself with the Effluences tester set.

, 4,00